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SourceName Property

ShowSourceName property as it applies to the OLEObject and OLEObjects objects.

ShowSourceName property as it applies to the CalculatedMember and PivotField objects.

ShowSourceName property as it applies to the PivotItem object.


The following table shows example values of the SourceName property and related properties, given an OLAP data source with the unique name "[Europe].[France].[Paris]" and a non-OLAP data source with the item name "Paris".

Property Value (OLAP data source) Value (non-OLAP data source)
Caption Paris Paris
Name [Europe].[France].[Paris] (read-only) Paris
SourceName [Europe].[France].[Paris] (read-only) (same as SQL property value, read-only)
Value [Europe].[France].[Paris] (read-only) Paris

When specifying an index into the PivotItems collection, you can use the syntax shown in the following table.

Syntax (OLAP data source) Syntax (non-OLAP data source)
expression.PivotItems("[Europe].[France].[Paris]") expression.PivotItems("Paris")

When using the Item property to reference a specific member of a collection, you can use the text index names, as shown in the following table.

Name (OLAP data source) Name (non-OLAP data source)
[Europe].[France].[Paris] Paris


ShowAs it applies to the PivotItem object.